The Cartesi Guardians are a unique collection of 256 NFTs that represent a fusion between mythology, technology and exclusive opportunities for CTSI token stakers. These guardians, inspired by mythological creatures and deities such as Hanuman, Heimdallr, Kitsune, Phoenix, Morgana, Caladrius, Bastet, Brienne, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Poseidon and Neptune, have been selected to embody the diversity and nobility within us. They function as token-gated badges, allowing users who participate in staking, to access exclusive benefits. Those who own a Cartesi Guardian will get special discounts, early access to VIP staking pools (USTD, USDC, ETH), lower unstaking fees. The amount of CTSI staked determines earning these guardians, providing an additional incentive to participate in staking and strengthen the community.


In mythology and culture, unicorns have been symbols of nobility and greatness, the concept of a unicorn as a unique and special being persists and, in fact, has evolved to adapt to various modern interpretations. Unicorns continue to be considered extraordinary and magical creatures, and their uniqueness has become a representation of rarity and exclusivity in various contexts. That is why the Cartesi Early M8s are represented behind a unicorn, as symbol of exclusivity and nobility, of our first 42 frens on this path that we undertake with great enthusiasm, but that we know will be hard, we need to surround ourselves with exceptional people.

Cartesi Early Mate, is a NFT collection composed of 42 limited editions. This piece, with no price assigned, is designed for the first 42 early members of 0xGO Family. To mint this NFT, join us on our Discord server, and acquire the corresponding role.

Thank you for considering being part of our family.




The mythical nine-tailed foxes are revered for their cunning and intelligence, their shape-shifting abilities, and their connection to the spirit world. They are soooo charming, and they continue to represent mysticism and wisdom in various interpretations.
Kitsune hold a special place in folklore as unique and extraordinary creatures. Its ability to transform and navigate between worlds symbolizes adaptability and a deep understanding of the complexities of life.
In modern contexts, Kitsune are celebrated not only for their magical qualities but also as icons of intelligence and resilience.

Cartesi Guardians, is a NFT collection composed of 256 limited editions. These pieces are not for sale, you will only be able to own a Kitsune Cartesi Guardian after staking 50 CTSI tokens, on one of the available pools.




Hanuman, the revered monkey god in Hinduism, recognized for his strength and wisdom. He represents a physical and mental strength, also symbolizes perseverance and dedication.
His legacy extends beyond ancient writings. Hanuman was dedicated to the selfless service of others. He helped the needy, protected the weak, and fought for justice. His spirit of service made him a symbol of compassion and generosity. He is also considered a erudite, who has mastered the six schools of grammar, the four Vedas and the six shastras. The Monkey God does not boast about how much he knows; It is the real expression of humility.

Cartesi Guardians, is a NFT collection composed of 256 limited editions. These pieces are not for sale, you will only be able to own a Hanuman Cartesi Guardian after staking 250 CTSI tokens, on one of the available pools.




Heimdallr is a legendary figure known for his role protecting the kingdom of the gods. He has supernatural sight and hearing that allow him to observe and hear everything that happens in the nine worlds. He stands on the Bifröst, the bridge that connects Asgard to Midgard. His constant vigilance protects Asgard from intrusions and threats. He is also known for his wielding of the Gjallarhorn, the magical horn of which will sound with a deafening roar to announce Ragnarok.
Heimdallr represents light and vigilance. Despite knowing all the secrets of the universe, He is noble and honorable, always acts with integrity. Heimdallr continues to inspire people today as a symbol of vigilance, protection and fight for worthy causes.

Cartesi Guardians, is a NFT collection composed of 256 limited editions. These pieces are not for sale, you will only be able to own a Heimdallr Cartesi Guardian after staking 500 CTSI tokens, on one of the available pools.




Bastet, the complex and multifaceted Egyptian goddess, worshiped by people of all social classes for thousands of years, was one of the most popular deities of ancient Egypt. Bastet was considered the daughter of the sun god Ra and the goddess Sekhmet. She was seen as a goddess of justice and revenge, and was feared for her power to punish evildoers. Although the ancient Egyptian religion is no longer practiced, Bastet remains a popular figure in modern culture. She is depicted in various works of art, literature and films, and continues to be a symbol of protection for many people.
Her role as protector made her one of the most beloved and recognized deities of ancient Egypt.

Cartesi Guardians, is a NFT collection composed of 256 limited editions. These pieces are not for sale, you will only be able to own a Bastet Cartesi Guardian after staking 1000 CTSI tokens, on one of the available pools.




Brienne, "the Maiden of Tarth", was born into a noble family in the Crownlands, (Game of Thrones). As a child, She trained in the arts of war, defying the gender expectations of her time. Her great size and strength made her a formidable warrior, although she was also ostracized and mocked. Brienne has faced several challenges: being teased and humiliated for her appearance and her social awkwardness. Despite her difficulties, Brienne never gave up her principles of honor, loyalty, and justice.
After her praiseworthy actions, She was knighted, Brienne of Tarth became a symbol of hope and courage to many. She showed that women can be as strong and braves, challenging social norms and paving the way for future generations.
We love to quoting her:
"I am a warrior. I am not a lady. I am not a courtesan. I am a warrior"

Cartesi Guardians, is a NFT collection composed of 256 limited editions. These pieces are not for sale, you will only be able to own a Brienne de Tarth Cartesi Guardian after staking 1000 CTSI tokens, on one of the available pools.

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